Teletext R Podcast, 31 August 2020 – Sara Scott-Rivers of Teletext Ltd, Datasolve, ITM, GWV and Videotron

In her glittering career, Sara Scott-Rivers worked extensively with both Viewdata and teletext. Following designer-editor roles with Prestel in the 1980s, she joined Teletext Ltd prior to its launch in 1993.
However, she is perhaps best known for her unique fashion sensibilities, which might be described as ‘teletext goth geek-chic’.
Bonus: This interview also includes a special guest appearance by Arthur the cat!
Technical note: On a few occasions, I accidentally refer to Viewdata as teletext due to force of habit. Teletext R would like to stress that they are not the same thing.
Part 1: Exploring Sara’s teletext history
1:10: Early days of computing, 1981
7:30 Designing graphics @Datasolve, 1985
10:44 Teletext geek-chic: the Videotext Rebel?
15:00 Prestel editing @GWV, 1986
18:00 Local Focus teletext @Videotron, 1990
24:00 Graphic Designer @Teletext Ltd, 1992
26:20 Working alongside the anarchic Digitiser
Part 2: Exploring Sara’s non-teletext history & career highlights
34:00 Website design @GB Net, London, 1995
40:30 Trading on eBay in 1997
44:00 Typesetting and Level 3 Teletext
49:00 An ad for Orange phones in Level 1 Teletext?
51:55 Teletext Ltd’s The Art of Teletext booklet