2 01:07:33 Elite Dangerous. Distant Worlds 2. Day 49. From Explorer’s Anchorage and Beyond R T Ralph 6th April 2019 9 0
3 01:22:38 Elite Dangerous. Distant Worlds 2. Day 48. Insinnergy’s World to Sagittarius A* & Explorer’s Anchor R T Ralph 6th April 2019 30 0
2 01:06:12 Elite Dangerous. Distant Worlds 2. Day 46. Zunuae Nebula to Insinnergy’s World. Going to Sag A* R T Ralph 6th April 2019 23 0
2 56:14 Elite Dangerous. Distant Worlds 2. Day 46. Caeruleum Luna to Zunuae Nebula. Going to Sag A* R T Ralph 6th April 2019 8 0
2 01:07:48 Elite Dangerous. Distant Worlds 2. Day 44. Waypoint 6 to HYPOE FLYI HX T E3 295. Going to Sag A* R T Ralph 6th April 2019 10 0
3 01:44:06 Elite Dangerous. Distant Worlds 2. Day 42. EOR AOWSY NM T C4 945 to Waypoint 6. Finally caught up R T Ralph 6th April 2019 21 0
2 01:23:24 Elite Dangerous. Distant Worlds 2. Day 41. Gandharvi to EOR AOWSY NM T C4 945. Time To Catch Up R T Ralph 6th April 2019 12 0
2 01:30:49 Elite Dangerous. Distant Worlds 2. Day 31. The Crux to Gandharvi R T Ralph 6th April 2019 16 0
6 06:23 The George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine, Teardown and Repair? R T Ralph 1st April 2019 585 0