21 17:11 Friday Thrifting With The Highlander (6-6-2014) & Shoutout Lactobacillus Prime 6th June 2014 187 0
28 14:09 Lacto Ponders His Wii(U), Marvel And 360 Pickups – June 2014 Lactobacillus Prime 3rd June 2014 222 0
16 18:02 Do You Remember Your First Time In A Video Game Store? Lactobacillus Prime 30th May 2014 191 0
22 17:17 Ramble on Emulation… and a demo of a ZX Spectrum emulator on the C64 (recorded May 10th 2014) Lactobacillus Prime 29th May 2014 509 0
21 10:39 Birthday Package… (belated from May 11th to May 28th 2014) Lactobacillus Prime 29th May 2014 122 0
14 28:42 Can you beat my score? Mark Plays…. Gyruss (C64)(Interghost Retro Records) Lactobacillus Prime 13th May 2014 320 0