The 20 Best Commodore Amiga Point & Click Games Ever!

Hey guys OSG here with a video that is long overdue. Out of all the comments on Amiga videos there is one that gets mentioned over and over and that’s when are you going to do an Amiga point and click adventure games video…well the answer is right now.
Because these games aren’t simple pick up play for 5 mins and make a judgement this video has actually took a lot longer than normal ones to order…. Yeah I played quite a few of these back when I was a kid but still there were some great ones that needed the time to be fully appreciated.

Anyway out of all the genres on the Amiga I would say that this one was the one when we were kids that blew us away with the graphics and sheer depth of gameplay,,,again the genre wasn’t for everyone but most people watching will have fond memories of a lot of these games and hopefully find some more great ones like I have to get their teeth into

So without more delay lets take a look at what I would say are the 20 best Commodore Amiga Point and Click Adventures ever made in order of greatness

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Games in this video:-
The Secret of Monkey Island
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge
Simon the Sorcerer
Beneath A Steel Sky
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Maniac Mansion
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb
The Clue!
Simon the Sorcerer II
Flight of the Amazon Queen
James Bond: The Stealth Affair
Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon
Cruise for a Corpse
Future Wars: Time Travellers
Lure of the Temptress
Legend of Kyrandia

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