Teletext R Podcast, 15th April 2021 – Ian Irving (Ceefax/Intelfax)

Teletext R Podcast, 15th April 2021 - Ian Irving (Ceefax/Intelfax)

If you’ve ever seen a teletext animation, there’s a very good chance Ian Irving had something to do with it. Arguably the world’s first teletext art superstar, he pushed the boundaries of the medium’s artistic capabilities in its formative years.

As a member of the original Ceefax team, Irving revolutionised the service with a variety of colourful header graphics, cartoons and illustrations as the medium grew from a novel experiment to a cultural and technological tour de force in the 1970s.

Participants: Dan, Carl and Ian Irving

This interview was originally broadcast as part of the #WeeklyTeletextArt livestream on 15th April 2021.

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About The Author

Harry Yack I like looking for funny little things in games and making videos about them. Not a real yak, actually a Highland Cow.

