Short demo of Meteor Swarm (and initial capture test)
Electric Adventures
1423 Videos
Just an initial test of a capture test from one of my early full machine code games. Here running on MSX 1.0 under BlueMSX.
Will do a play through of a few others, and then have a go at some live videos of my collection.
This is a bit of a mean game i.e. high difficulty level.
I wrote it first for the Spectravideo 318 (and 328) and then later converted it to run on all MSX machines. Due to the limitations of the memory on the 318 I had to work with a 12k limit on most of my games. This was my excuse for being very light on sound and especially music. But that also may have been that I never had the skills to produce music using the computer and it was a lot harder to source music in a digit form back then.
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