[AMSTRAD CPC] Skull & Crossbones – Longplay & Pirate Review

Skull And Crossbones arcade conversion to the Amstrad CPC – longplay and (pirate!) review

Sorry but pirate One Eyed Willy takes over the reviewing duties this time from a Xyphoe sick with scurvy 🙁 He’s a bit of a crap pirate, but so is this game! So lets take a look at a pirate game seeing as Pirates Of The Caribbean 4 is out….

Lovely graphics, music and a fast moving sprite is let down by some of the WORST scrolling I’ve ever seen and a game riddled with bugs! Likely to crash at any moment…

…in fact it does at the start of level 4. The original disk dump on the CPC-Power site crashes there, but thankfully there’s another disk dump of a cracked version (that ironically crashes on level 1!) that has a level select so I continue on using that.

Domark yet again making a right hash of a conversion, at least with 128k it loads in all the levels at once. There’s a REALLY long wait before the next level loads in from memory (and is where it usually crashes) but I’ve edited out this wait.


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