Pattimus Asks ‘Shocking’ Questions, Novabug Answers in a Pink Hat.
Patti is back with a bug zapper, the resulting electric currant causes her to pose more questions, which I again answer. On a Sofa, wearing a pink hat. Just because. All her questions are listed below, as is a link to her question video and terrific channel. Enjoy.
Pattimus’s Shocking Questions –
Pattimus’s Questions…
1. If you could live/exist inside any piece of 2D art (paintings, photograph, comic panel, etc.) what would it be and why?
2. Ever woven a basket? Why and what did you put in it?
3. Do you (still) wish on falling stars?
4. Thoughts on kiwis?
5. You are transformed into either scent, light or a sound. Which of those are you and describe yourself.
6. What is your favorite scent? (those who choose to be a scent cannot claim themselves to be the favorite scent)
7. You are somehow now an all ruling dictator/political official who doesn’t need to wait on votes, what are 3 law you put into place?
8. If soul mates existed and we were born with a mark matching that of our SM, would you think that was groovy or would it suck?
9. Tell me a random-assed accomplishment that you are genuinely proud of.
10. Tell me your favorite joke.
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