[AMSTRAD CPC] ⚡️AMSTREAM 💣 “Bomb Jack” (New Amstrad Remake) Launch Party!⭐️ + Your Game Requests! 🕹️

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[AMSTRAD CPC] ⚡️AMSTREAM 💣 “Bomb Jack” (New Amstrad Remake) Launch Party!⭐️ + Your Game Requests! 🕹️
Friday 7th March 21:00 (GMT) 2025

It’s an AMSTREAM exclusive tonight! We’re hosting the launch party for the Amstrad remake of…

⭐️💣 “Bomb Jack” 💣⭐️
🕹️ The “Extra Sugar Edition”! 🕹️

The original (official) conversion of Bomb Jack by Elite to the Amstrad was… ‘ok’ but it was lacking. Thankfully the very talented Anthony Flack has been working hard the last few years to make an extremely faithful port, and now it is ready! I’ve seen a bit of it already, and I can tell you – it plays, looks, and sounds AMAZING!! 😍 And Anthony has very kindly chosen the Amstream to make it the launch party for the game! So during the stream tonight after we’ve played a bit of it – he will release the files for everyone! Not only aiming for arcade accuracy, Anthony has added in options for extra content like a ‘remix’ mode with extra background screens, a ‘scramble’ mode where all the layouts and backgrounds are jumbled up, different difficulty settings, a cheat mode, trophies for achieving different feats, high scores that save to disk and even an in-built file manager for managing all your trophies and high scores! Incredible! This is going to be one of the biggest games on the Amstrad scene this year, and I can’t wait to check it all out tonight!!

After Bomb Jack then it’s….

🕹️ Your Amstrad Game Requests! 🕹️

For the rest of the stream and night it’s your Amstrad game requests to chill out with! Bonus points for requesting the more unusual and unheard of games!

An action packed Amstream tonight!


Link to get Bomb Jack here ▶ (will be updated later during the stream)

Enjoying the stream and my channel? Only if you want to, but you can send me a tip and donation on the following link which will be very much appreciated and appear in the stream! –

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Thank you to my Patreons –

Andrea Wyatt
Andy Hewco
Andy Wilson
Ben Nicholls
Bill Harbison
Black Duke
Brian Hooper
Brian O’Higgins
Chris Jermyn
Chris Weatherley
Craig Nellist
Darren Carle
Dave Watkins
David Wykes
Ervin Pajor
FC Den Haag
Henri Medot
Jack Thursby
James Ford
James Rizzo
Karl (foxink0)
Kate White
Keith Baylis
Kevin Halstead
Kim Justice
Lewis Waddington
Lucas Rainford
Magic Knight
Manuel Schulz
Mark Buffone
Maud N
Michael T
Mikael R
Mirko Vragovic
Murray Robertson
Old Style Gaming
Oxo good
Paul Henderson
Paul Walker
Phil Sandiford
Philip Barrass
Retro or Bust!
Richard Jimenez
Richard Vivash
Robert Berry
Robin Hooke
Ross Gardner
Scott Main
Sebastian Braunert
Seedy Jay
Sigurbjorn B. Larusson
Tech Nick
The Avocet Pannier
Thomas Fitch
Will Bateman

♪ Music! ♪
Any synthwave music you hear in the stream is done by one of our very own… (you’ll have seen him in live streams before!) the excellent “24:7” from his awesome “Zero Hour”, “NAEON” and “Explorate” albums. More info and to buy tracks here – https://247retro.bandcamp.com/

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