Ocean The In Crowd Commodore 64 In Order Of Greatness

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Hey whatsup guys OSG here with another compilation video and today we are going to look at one of the most suggested compilations after my video on History in the Making. Oceans The In Crowd on the C64 certainly was worth the money at £14.95 for 8 games …6 of which were pretty damn good. This was actually released at Christmas 1988 to like History in the making and was another one that I got that year making it a bumper Christmas for me. It was released for C64, Spectrum and Amstrad but for us C64 owners we got by far the best compilation as we got The last Ninja instead of Crazy Cars…. I mean who decided that was a matching alternative
Anyway enough talking about it lets take a look at Commodore 64 Oceans The In Crowd in order of greatness

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