Room tour: My Electric Adventures Gaming Shelf – 3 New Game Additions: EA 70’s Arcade Classics 😎👾🕹️

Over the years Tony Cruise (Electric Adventures) has been creating a ton of homebrew games on many systems in many languages ranging basic to assembly/ machine code. Coding to the bare metal of the machines.

6502, 6510, Z80, MSX, various Sega 8bit, Spectravideo, COLECOVISION, MSX, Nintendo Entertainment System and more 🙌

He also wrote books on programming, deceloping games, did videos on the topic and even created (better than the original) manuals for some of the 8bit computer sysems.

I am fortunate that I often get to play / test quite a fair few of Tony’s games during their development phases and get to give feedback and see bugs being ironed out and gameplay getting more polished. And of course I can’t help but buy those games and support Tony!

Over the years I actually have got a whole EA collection going worthy of getting its own dedicated shelf space in my gameroom! Some I bought some were kindky given to me.

I created this video because I bought the MSX port and I received 3 ports of this latest endeavor in the post – thanks Tony for the bonus games you threw in! 😁

Time to hook up the old Coleco, Spectravideo and MSX to the CRT in the corner of my room!

#msx #coleco #spectravideo

Tony’s website:

Music track licensed from Epidemic Sound
Vivanda Rica – El Flaco Collective

Enjoy & thanks for watching
– LactobacillusPrime

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