POWER STONE: The Complete History | Dreamcast history essay

Here is a deep dive look into the history, the making and the legacy behind Capcom’s forgotten fighter series POWER STONE

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In the final days of the SEGA Saturn, SEGA was getting ready to release their final ever console… THE DREAMCAST! and we all know how that ended up.

However, it’s easy to forget just how great the DREAMCAST’s launch was. A truly monumental moment in gaming history helped in part by the legendary short-lived game series POWER STONE!

In this video, I take you back to that time to try and work out why CAPCOM seems to have completely forgotten about this beloved franchise.

Huge thanks to the following channels for providing voice samples for this video at crazy late notice due to my illness over the last couple of weeks…
FlickySixx – http://www.twitch.tv/flickysixx
GrypnonOfMight https://theotakuauthority.com/author/jonb/
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#PowerStone #Capcom #TheCompleteHistory #SlopesGameRoom #RetroGaming #Dreamcast #SEGA

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