The 10 Best US Gold Amiga Games In Order Of Greatness

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Hey whatsup guys OSG here with another Amiga video, following the Worst Full Price Amiga video I did last week its become apparent that maybe ive been a bit harsh on US Gold….. aw wait no I haven’t they did trawl out a load of crap so deserve the insults I gave them…but in this video I want to highlight that amongst all that tripe they did actually publish some of the best games ever made on the amiga.
I think that you will see in this video that any game that wasn’t a arcade port and was given time for development turned out to be a a real cracker of a game.
Ok so lets see if they can vindicate themselves slightly from our memories of being one of the worst publishers for ripping us of…. I think you will be surprised at just how good some of the games they published were
Anyway sit back and relax and watch the 10 best US Gold Amiga games ever made in order of

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