The 20 Worst Commodore 64 Full Priced Games Ever Made!

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Hey whatsup guys OSG here with another video and today we will be looking at 20 c64 gaames where the publishers really pulled our pants down and gave us a good spanking….
Back in the day a full priced game ranged from around £8.95 for tape to a staggering 17.99 on disk that’s around 35 pound for a tape and 70 pound for disk in todays money which actually outprices many of todays triple A game prices …well for disk anyway.
The games I have picked today aren’t the worst full priced games as a whole as there were full priced games that were even worse than these like for example 911 tiger shark …. But the difference with the games in this video is that unlike the unknown full priced games these were all games that we had either played in the arcade or watched the movie they were based on so had to have them….and for me that’s what makes these games the worst C64 full priced games ever made.

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