The 10 Goriest Amiga Games Ever Made!

Hey whatsup guys OSG here with another video and today we will be looking at the 10 goriest Amiga games ever made…well in my opinion anyway.
Unlike today when gore and violence are in kids games, back then the sight of a bit blood was a real money spinner for publishers and for us kids at the time the gorier the better. So as a request from Fenryr. I’ve trawled the amiga catalogue and come up with the cream of the crop of blood and guts games.
I’ve also put them in order of goriness so that’s not in order of how good they are however the top place takes it on both goriness and greatness
Anyway enough talking about gore let’s see some blood and guts as we take a look at the 10 most goriest Amiga games in order of goriness
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