Checking Out The 8088MPH PC-Demo On The Latest MiSTer PCXT Core On June 11th 2023
Lactobacillus Prime
#MiSTer #FPGA #8088MPH
The demo runs a lot better on the new PCXT core than the last time I checked.
Video: CGA Composite
Audio: PC speaker
CPU: 8088 Intel 4.77Mhz
This is my other MiSTer setup in the Study it’s an all white case with SNAC adapters by and Ricardo Saraiva
This one has a 2.5″ SSD sitting in an enclosure underneath the MiSTer with a short USB cable. On this system I mostly do the retro computing bits. Checking out the new C64 demos from the X-party from last weekend.
But also checking out that 8088MPH demo for PCXT and CGA that uses 16 but also 256 colours with composite video out (the old IMB PCs that had CGA out could be hooked up to a television with the yellow tulip connection allowing for 16 or more colours instead of the 4 in the weird CGA candy colour or earth tone palettes on the digital video out on the CGA cards. The MiSTer PCXT core has advanced a lot and it it capable of behaving like a IBM PCXT, but also a Tandy 1000 system. Harddrives and disk images are supported.
This demo by desire is flabbergastingly beautiful knowing the limitations of the hardware. And to see the current PCXT Core running it this well is simply amazing.
Check it out