LinusTechtips YT Channel Hacked? It’s been renamed and it is streaming 2 bitcoin related streams
Lactobacillus Prime
1262 Videos
#LinusTechTips #Hack
It appears LinusTechTips Channel has been renamed and hacked. There are two looping “livestreams” displaying a malicious QR code on top of a “webinar” supposedly featuring Elon Musk and other cryptocurrency savy people. It might be ripped from a legit webinar discussion that has been reused.
I have reported both streams to YT and the way a malicious link has been introduced with QR code is mind boggling. The supposed tweet from Elon Musk with the QR code is not to be found on his twitter account.
It resulted it many of the LinusTechtips videos flooding my subscription feed as they all seem to have been published / republished.
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