The Nightmare Begins! Reliving the end of ORACLE & start of Teletext Ltd. // Teletext Sofa Club

With Jason Robertson, the Teletext Archaeologist:

0:00 Pre-stream begins
3:19 Russty Russ’s memories of the end of ORACLE (from the Teletext R Podcast)
14:14 General teletext conversation with stream chat
24:16 STREAM BEGINS – introducing the Teletext Archaeologist
30:00 LIVE WATCHALONG – ORACLE gives birth to Teletext Ltd
58:28 Carlos arrives!
1:07:05 The last seconds of ORACLE
1:16:05 Fake letters from Day 1 of Teletext Ltd
1:30:15 A secret hidden page
1:35:00 Live playalong of the very first Bamboozle!
1:54:40 Analysing the After Hours adult section in great detail
2:08:35 Glitchy data broadcast pages used for stolen credit card data
2:23:16 The search for the first teletext holidays
2:36:00 Watching live teletext SMS chat in real time (it’s gripping)
2:50:23 Yle Teletext Advent Calendar 2022 artwork review
3:31:34 Hunting down the Predict-a-Move Chess game in Jason’s archive
3:44:42 COLLABORATIVE TELETEXT ARTWORK with music from Mr Nissness
4:24:45 End-of-show disco!
4:27:48 Thank you for watching, everyone!

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