Can You Game On A M1 Mac Mini? My M1 MacMini Rivisted – High-End Low Powered Emulation & Gaming

#m1macmini #Gaming #Emulation

About 10 months after checking out gaming & emulation on my m1 MacMini I return to check out if things have changed or improved?

Yes things have improved, gamepad (PS4 gamepad) support is more solid throughout MacOS but also solid on Windows11 running on Parallels 18 (for a time it was working well on Parallels 17 – but with subsequent MacOS and Parallels updates that functionality got lost) – and it actually noted down as one of the features Parallels 18 comes with.

– captured on M1 MacMini screen capturing with OBS
– sound recorded through Yeti Blue USB Microphone
– ambient noise by MEACO Table fan
– beverage consumed tap-water
– waffelage & gameplay provided by Mark

00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:44 OBS capturing the m1macmini hardware overview
00:05:14 Running Windows 11 (ARM) on Parallels 18
00:06:15 Outrun2 Coast2Coast (Intel Windows) through Steam
00:10:16 Sega Rally (Intel Windows) through Steam
00:12:20 PCSX2 (Intel Windows) PS2 Emulator is not ideal
00:13:28 PPSSPP (Intel Windows) PSP Emulator running well
00:15:23 Windows 11 ARM Task manager showing the Parallel virtual hardware
00:15:52 Duckstation (ARM Windows) PSX Emulator native ARM-port works well
00:20:42 Expendable (Intel Windows) GOG version of Expendable run and gun game
00:23:36 Shutting down Windows 11, returning to MacOS
00:24:07 Running RetroArch (Universal MacOS) after exiting Parallels – the PS4 gamepad isn’t properly released by Parallels
00:24:50 Rebooting Mac to get PS4 gamepad available again and running RetroArch (Universal MacOS)
00:34:25 Exiting RetroArch and booting into OpenEmu (Intel MacOS) another RetroLib based emulator running well
00:35:21 Dreamcast emulation with Redream (Intel MacOS) is not ideal it would benefit from an ARM port.
00:38:22 Xemu (Universal MacOS) a little disappointing
00:40:22 PCSX2 (Intel MacOS) PS2 emulator is responsive with Burnout, Outrun2 slows down
00:44:24 EtherSX2 (ARM MacOS) PS2 Emulator runs Outrun2 60fps solid
00:45:00 EtherSX2 has a thread crasing when changing render resolution mid game
00:48:00 3D Aquarium to calm down a little
00:48:26 VICE C64 (Intel MacOS) works well
00:48:39 VirtualC64 VirtualAmiga (Universal MacOS) work well
00:49:47 UTM (Universal MacOS) MacOS 9.x.x PPC and Reactos Intel Virtual Machines
00:53:00 iDOS (ARM iOS App on MacOS) – DOSBox for iPhone/iPAD that was briefly available on the playstore
00:55:40 DOSBox/Boxer (Intel MacOS) – MS-DOS Gaming and MS-DOS Benchmarks with DOSBOX maxed out is not ideal. It would benefit from a native ARM port.
01:07:50 DOSBox/Boxer Speedsys MS-DOS benchmark sysinfo tool crashes on Boxer
01:07:52 End bit

Enjoy? Perhaps. Let me know if you did.
Thanks for watching – LactobacillusPrime

– Sound levels might be off / ambient fan sounds can be heard
– Tangents and lengthy, off the cuff narration
– 720p-1080p (OBS)

Videos mentioned in the video & displayed in the cards:
Running a Windows game ‘ Lost Planet ‘ through Parallels on the M1 Macmini

Gaming on the MacMini – part 1


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