10 Games Where The Atari ST Kicked The Amigas Ass!!!

Hey whatsup guys OSG here with probably my most controversial video to date because today we are going to look at 10 games where the Atari St kicked the Amigas ass…. Yeah yeah that title was purely for clickbait reasons as there is no real ass kicking going on here but all 10 of these games actually play better on the Atari ST
Anyway way back in the day I knew one lad with an ST and we amiga owners used to have his life about it all the time but since actually getting a 1040STE a few years back I see that really the system wasn’t too bad….I mean yeah there is no way it was as good as the amiga gaming wise but definitely not bad enough to be beaten up at school over.
Ok so I know that a lot of Amiga owners will be watching this thinking “oh we are going to see a load of games that were crappy lazy ST ports on the Amiga” but no your not, I have tried to steer clear of them as there are quite a few and I would say that the majority of games on this list are all quality games on both to be honest but the ST on this occasion just pips the amiga mostly in the gameplay department.

Anyway without more delay lets look at 10 ST games that kicked the amigas ass …well not kicked it…oh well you know what I mean

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Games in this video
intro @ 00:00
Captain Blood @ 01:12
Defender of the Crown @ 01:57
Kick Off 2 @ 02:42
Wings of Death @ 03:27
No Second Prize @ 04:12
Robocop 3 @ 04:57
Leathal Xcess @ 05:42
RVF Honda @ 06:27
Sly Spy @ 07:12
Stunt Car Racer @ 07:57

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