The 20 Best ZX Spectrum Games Released After The ZX Spectrum

Whatsup guys OSG here and following on with games that were released after systems were discontinued it’s the turn of the ZX Spectrum. I have to say I wasn’t expecting much from this list but then when I started searching for games, I realised that the spectrum game development scene is massive and there have been loads of games made after the spectrum ended. Like with other lists I enlisted the help of the Retro five who are RetroB8, Sega Zombie, Ginger Hippy Gaming, The Retro chef and Nerdy Geezer who are well into their homebrew games.
They suggested a handful of good games but then I trawled the net for the rest and came up with a shortlist of 30 odd games and then whittled them down to 20 great new games some of which really blew me away.
Anyway I’m waffling now let’s take a look at the 20 best ZX Spectrum Games that were released after the ZX Spectrum in order of greatness.

Be sure to check out these great channels for more retro goodness

RetroB8 –
Retro Chef –
Nerdy Geezer –
SEGA Zombie –
Ginger Hippy Gaming –

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