10 Must Add Games For Your A500 mini

Hey whats up guys OSG here with another A500 mini video. With many people getting their hands on the mini either last week or this it’s become apparent that within a couple of days the burning question on most people’s minds is …. What games should I add to the system… well in all truth it would be easy enough to add them all as long as they are whdload but then you’re left with a complete smorgasbord of games to wade through. In this video I’m gonna tell you the 10 games that I would consider must add for the system. I’ve tried to only include 1 out of each genre cos who wants to play the same type of game other and over and I’ve come up with 10 great games in order of greatness that weren’t included on the system as stock
So let’s stop messing about and take a look at 10 must play games for your A500 mini.

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