My modest comic & graphic novel collection – 3/4/2022

So I had a few more ideas yet I could do for this new and (I promise) short lived new thing I am doing on here which I am having a lot of fun doing, really. I don’t think I’ve really ever done anything with or shown my comics on here so, there was another idea! Hope you like it small as my collection is. There’s a couple more things like this I’d like to do but will space them out.

The Gen/MD music I used for backing in this, in order:

1. Pachinko Kuunyan – “06”
2. Comix Zone – “Episode 1, Page 2-1 (Feed My Disease)
3. X-Men 2: Clone Wars – “Inside Avalon”
4. Jewel Master – “Dragonspawn”
5. Dark Wizard – “BGM 13”

All rights of course belong to SEGA, the developers of said games and credit to the composers who made such rocking tunes for the Gen/MD in these games.


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