15 Mind Blowing GBA Demakes!

Find out about 15 AMAZING GBA Homebrew Ports and Demakes that you can play on a Flash Cart like the EZ Flash or Everdrive! Including Minecraft, Tomb Raider, Quake and more!
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Previous GBA Demakes video:

3DSage – https://youtu.be/UJLk7uiTBdk

MVG Tomb Raider Video: https://youtu.be/_GVSLcqGP7g

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Links to download the games mentioned:
Luminesweeper – https://pineight.com/lu/#download
Minecraft – https://www.gbadev.org/demos.php?showinfo=1527
Cosmic Smash – https://www.gbadev.org/demos.php?showinfo=1395
Tyrian – https://web.archive.org/web/20080625061600/http://www.freewebs.com/worldtreegames
Another World – https://www.gbadev.org/demos.php?showinfo=1279
Thunder Force 3 – https://www.gbadev.org/demos.php?showinfo=599
Quake – https://www.gbadev.org/demos.php?showinfo=653
Elte – Elite – The New Kind v1.7.1
Bust A Move -https://gbadev.org/demos.php?showinfo=376
Hellicopter game – Sputter Dash
Super star soldier – Super Star Shooter Advance
Mortal Kombat – https://www.gbadev.org/demos.php?showinfo=1548
Trailblazer – https://pdroms.de/files/nintendo-gameboyadvance-gba/trailblazer-advance
Sonic – http://info.sonicretro.org/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_GBA
Tomb Raider(Open Lara) – http://xproger.info/projects/OpenLara/files/gba/

00:00 Intro
00:12 Open Lara (Tomb Raider)
01:21 GBA Craft (Minecraft)
01:57 Lumines (Liminesweeper)
03:02 Cosmic Smash
04:08 Tyrian
05:12 Quake GBA
05:57 Bust A Move (Puzzle Bobble)
07:01 Trailblazer
07:48 Helicopter Game
08:24 Another World
09:14 Thunder Force 3
10:00 Elite
11:01 Super Star Shooter Advance (Super Star Solider)
11:49 Mortal Kombat
12:31 Sonic The Hedgehog GBA (Stealth Version)

The first one we’re going to take a look at today is one you’ve probably already seen a lot online recently, this is Open Lara, an incredible port of the original Tomb Raider games!

Next is a really impressive tech demo made by 3DSage, Minecraft for the Game Boy Advance, known as GBA Craft. it’s a little awkward to control, and of course very limited compared to actual Minecraft, but for a 3D demo, this is fantastic!

Lumines is a fan remake that includes the original game as well as a minesweeper mode too!

Cosmic Smash, is a really competent port of the game for GBA, it’s missing a lot of the polish of the Dreamcast game, but the concept still works!

Tyrian is a game that’s been ported so many times over the years to pretty much every computer and console imaginable! What is here for the GBA is a great recreation of the PC original!

Quake GBA only bears a passing resemblance to the actual game, instead this is another interesting 3D tech demo, which lets you move around this small 3D environment.

Bust A Move is a port by Russ Prince is a faithful recreation of the graphics and gameplay, and is in my opinion, so much better than the official release!

Trailblazer for the GBA looks and plays really well, I imagine it’s pretty much the same as the older home computer versions from the 80’s, the controls are nice and responsive and the game has that addicting one more go factor!

The helicopter game, preserved here in GBA format! It plays really well on the GBA and is definitely a good bit of programming, even if it doesn’t really push the system much.

The Another World GBA port retains all the impressive video sequences and super smooth animation which made the game famous back in the early 90’s!

Thunder Force 3 is unfortunately a really early proof of concept with nothing more than a few enemies and the sprites imported.

This is such an amazing achievement to squash down the epic PC game Elite into a GBA rom, this port seems to include all the features of the original, including loads of menu’s that I have no idea what they do!

Super Star Shooter Advance was actually originally made all the way back in 1995 for the amazing Japan only PC, the Sharp X68000, which I’d love to get my hands on one day!

Mortal Kombat, like Thunder Force 3 before it, is another proof of concept demo of a 16 bit console game being ported natively to the GBA

Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis, which released in 2006 was full of bugs and glitches and terrible physics. So, the version you’re looking at here was a fan made creation that was programmed form scratch by Stealth, and much more closely resembles the physics and gameplay of the original!

My Youtube Kit: https://kit.co/RetroBreak/youtube-kit-2021
Epidemic Sound referal link (Use this for a free month of royalty free music) – https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/iv8bhg

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#RetroBreak #RetroGaming #GBADemakes

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