Midnight Resistance In Order Of Greatness

Hey whats up guys OSG here with the Comparison for this week and today I have chosen the awesome Midnight resistance. Released in 1989 by data east this rotation controlled run and gun took the arcade scene by the scruff of the neck and had us all queuing to play it. The cabinet had a pretty funky control method which used the rotational controls that we had become accustomed to in games like Ikari warriors but this was on a side scrolling platform shooter. The game also has Iconic music that you used to hear around the arcades when you were in.
It was only ported to 6 home systems and today we are going to see them along side the original arcade to decide which is the best.

So without more delay lets take a look at Midnight Resistance comparison in order of greatness.
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Platforms in this video
Spectrum 128K
Atari ST
Sega Mega Drive
Commodore Amiga
Commodore 64

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