15 Reasons Why MiSTer FPGA Is The BEST Way To Play Retro Games!

The Mister FPGA console can play all of your favourite retro consoles and computers using a technology called FPGA. It’s by far the most authentic and best feeling retro gaming device that I’ve ever played, matching, and sometimes even surpassing the feeling of playing on original hardware!

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Video Contents:
00:00 Why Get A MiSTer?
01:24 FPGA Technology
02:44 Easy To Set Up
04:13 Pal NTSC & 50Hz / 60Hz
06:00 Rom Hacks & Patches
06:49 Capture Card Compatibility
07:31 Scaling Options
09:05 Improvements To Original Systems
09:48 Arcade Perfect Ports!
10:16 Retro Computer Support
11:11 CRT Compatible!
14:04 Scripts & Custom Settings
14:48 Great Community Support!
15:23 New Development Updates
16:06 Everything In One Box!
16:59 DIY or Pre Built Kits

There’s loads more I could have gone into, if you think there’s anything in particular I missed out, let me know int he comments and I can make a follow up code addressing those points!

Can you name all of the songs playing in the background too?

Thanks for watching.

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#RetroBreak #RetroGaming #MisterFPGA

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