Robocop Spectrum 128k Full Playthrough – Is this the best 8bit version?

Hey whatsup guys OSG back and I’m kicking off some full Playthrough videos on the channel and as I have been playing some Spectrum I think it’s only right to kick it off with the game that has been causing so much controversy on my channel lately …and actually has inspired me to do a video on whether or not it really is an Arcade port…. So yeah it’s Robocop, and as I have stated I would rank this as the best 8 bit version even though in a previous video I got all c64 fan boy like and put that version above this. The reason I like this version is that it feels so chunky and heavy …sort of what you would expect from a Robocop game, the transitions between floors using the stairs is also one of my favourite bits too… so sit back relax and enjoy an awesome bit of coding on the spectrum as I play right through Robocop 128K

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