[AMSTRAD CPC] Deathkick – Longplay & Review (Worst Amstrad Game Ever?! The Live Stream Edit!)

Longplay and review for “Deathkick” on the Amstrad CPC!

Deathkick has been regarded as one of, if not THE worst game ever made and commercially released on the Amstrad CPC! I decided, like we did the other week with Surprise Surprise, to really look into the game – make some progress and see what it has to offer! Rather than turning it off within seconds like most people have done!

So we delved into it on an Amstream (my weekly Amstrad CPC live stream every Friday at 9pm – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2by5sEDPUQI) and I set myself a task to beat the game live on stream without cheating!

And here it is – the edited version of the live stream, which I did in the style of what I’d do normally on a ‘longplay & review’ video – but I’ve edited out bits where I can for when alerts happen on the stream, mistakes were made due to glitches, or I take a moment to talk to the chat away from the game. So it flows like a proper normal longplay video you’d find on my channel. But you’ll also get the reaction from the live chat in the video, and also their own score and rating for the game!

So let’s get into it and see if Deathkick really is as bad as we all think…

(c) Blaby Computer Games 1984

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Akuyou (KeithS)
Andrea Wyatt
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Big Juffer
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Old Style Gaming
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Wayne Jordan

Background music featured – “Timeless” by “24:7” – https://247retro.bandcamp.com/

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