C64SR 2.52 – a very good Commodore 64 Emulator On MS-DOS – a tribute

#C64S #Emulator #MSDOS

C64S is one of the oldest and best MS-DOS-based C64 emulators, its emulation is adequate, graphically its very good, except it does have problems with a few titles such as Mayhem in Monsterland where the screen corrupts. The sound emulation is superb for its time.

The interface is very good and is easy to use. This emulator used to compete favourably with the likes of PC64. Miha Peternel the programmer of C64s was developing the software until 2007ish. Now it seems dormant.

Here’s the website:

The original part of the video features C64S 1.1B and I added footage of the more compatible C64SR2.52 version which has a lot better SID emulation as well.

Mind you I was running this emulator off a MS-DOS boot-floppy and was playing the old C64 classics at the university computer lab back in the day during the quiet times and breaks during my assistant teaching jobs. A time when the C64 basically had the same resolution as most MS-DOS PC VGA games yet it still provided a ton of better playability over native MS-DOS games. Especially when firing up some classics like Commando, MsPacman, Dig Dug, Frogger and the likes.

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