VR to VVc0w: “6 Video Game Music Questions”
1138 Videos
Once again and the same week as since forever I do my own question thing back to the usual of me doing a VR for someone else’s and yet again too its from: https://bit.ly/3qxFoke! Like always, give your answers on HIS original video, HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE_JZDAVW58&ab_channel=VVc0w
The six questions in order:
1. A piece of music from one of your favourite games? (01:54)
2. A short piece of music from a game? (04:02)
3. A piece of music that reminds you of your childhood? (05:42)
4. A piece of music you like in a game you haven’t played? (08:01)
5. A piece of music from a game that doesn’t get talked about much? (09:59)
6. A piece of music from a handheld game? (12:48)
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