Mortal Kombat Comparison In Order Of Greatness

Hey whatsup guys OSG here with another comparison in order of greatness video and today we will be looking at the Awesome Mortal Kombat. Up until the 90’s we had had loads of fighting games on arcade but nothing looked quite like Mortal Kombat, it was so realistic and the thing that drew us all in was the gore and fatalities… I mean what other game could you rip someones spine out?

Anyway I Started this comparison a while ago and I kept on adding versions as I found new ones. So I think ive got all the official releases in this video now including the ones on compolation disks. On the compolations ive shown one system instead of the same game on multiple but I list the systems it was on.
I also like to get the full feel for games so I can rate them right so I had to buy a couple of the more obscure versions and I have to say with the jacks pacific version I’m so glad I did

Anyway enough waffling lets take a look at Mortal Kombat Comparison in order of greatness

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