Quest Arrest – Game Boy Homebrew Review

Review of the brand new Game Boy Homebrew Game, Quest Arrest!
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In Quest Arrest for the Gameboy, made in GB Studio, you play as Detective Allison Bennett, recently promoted to detective. on her quest for clean up her city. The city is broken up into 9 different areas, each one with their own little story and puzzles to solve. I really like how the game is structured. You can walk around the whole city from the start, but will only be able to advance if you have solved a crime or ponied up a certain item in a different area.

I actually played through the gamer several times, and there’s a good reason for this. Depending on how you play, you gain or loose credibility points. This means that different events in the game will play out differently depending on if you have decided to be a good cop or a bad cop. Arresting people will gain you credibility (but it’s not an easy task). Killing the enemies will turn the city against you from fear and they will treat you differently.

To make it easier to understand what route I was taking I’ve colour coded the footage. Blue is good cop, Red is bad cop, and the brown colour you’re seeing now is neutral.

The goal of the game is to Investigate all areas of the city to try and arrest criminals and eventually find Atena and stop a bank robbery.

The game isn’t very long, it took about an hour on my first play, and a lot less after that once I’d figured out the right order to do things…. I actually ended up drawing myself a map and making notes of the best order to finish the game for my other play throughs! Because of the different ways of playing, the game has great play value!

There are different endings depending on your credibility. Credibility is the system that determines whether you are a good cop or bad cop. So you need to be careful out there, good cop or bad cop, that’s YOUR choice.

Even though I’ve played the game five times now, I still really enjoyed it every time!

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Camera: Sony a6400 / iPhone XS Max / Osmo Pocket
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