Tuesday Afternoon Waffle – 2020 07 14 15 52 12 (sort of psychedelic low light interference galore)
Lactobacillus Prime
#Microsoft #Apple #Sony #Nintendo
Captured on the MacMini 2018 on Mojave and I must say this thing really has no business encoding or capturing video – at least not in non-psychedelic/non audio desynced fashion. What a joke. On the exact same hardware Windows does do a proper job running the same software (OBS) and Webcam (Logitech). Enjoy the trip…
A Tuesday waffle that started out with me noting something like ‘hey how extraordinary that so many of the new Switch titles seem to be ports of PS3 and Xbox360 titles these days… How quaint. And it turned into an hour long tangent on the various platforms and how the are evolving – with a little psychedelica introduced by the Philips Hue lights interfering with my Logitech Webcam in low light conditions. So the famous cr@ptastic production values have returned once again! 😛