21 Year Old VLOG – Chilling & Watching Earth 2 on a 13″ SONY TRINITRON CRT (18th April 1999)
Lactobacillus Prime
1259 Videos
21 years ago I was testing out my webcam. Watching Earth2 on the super tiny Sony Trinitron Telly. On that white table I once placed my first Sony PlayStation hooked up to to that very Telly. Also visible the Pioneer hifi components I currently also have stacked up in my study. Bookshelf speakers on top of the cabinets.
I was working for the medical faculty at my University for a while and I had access to a lot of computer video equipment that I needed to test out and give advise on – it was being used in medical educational programs.
So this was a little test I recorded this day 21 years ago.
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