Trying to fix that DivMMC Future

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A short live stream – attempting to fix the issue with that DivMMC Future cart. In the previous stream you can see I was having to press it upwards or downwards to get any life out of it. That’s not something you should normally have to do, and that pressure could cause the connection pins to break away from the board on any device like this. That said, it wouldn’t work for me right from the start – I had it working at some point intermittantly where it once or twice showed the menu, but for the most part I just couldnt get it working on 2 different Spectrums that worked fine with my Lotharek DivIDE interface.

If you want to buy a DivMMC Future (Highly Recommended) –

Thanks to thefuturewas8bit for providing the cart!

#sinclair #spectrum #zxspectrum #thefuturewas8bit #divmmc

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