Pi1541 Commodore floppy drive emulator – Now RasPi2 compatible!

I picked up the Pi1541 Pi HAT that emulates Commodore floppy drives and can be used on all Commodore 8 bit computers. Until recently it needed a raspberry pi model 3 to function correctly but now a talented developer has managed to fork the software to work on older Pis.

I take you through what you need to do to get it working on a Raspberry pi model 2 B+ (as many people may have these in a drawer) and save yourself having to buy a newer Pi to get this working!

Link to the Pi1541 HAT I purchased: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pi1541-for-use-on-Commodore-C64-C128-C16-With-SD-card-and-Serial-cable/254156872867

The Pi1541 page: https://cbm-pi1541.firebaseapp.com/

The Pennysaver Pi1541 page: http://retropcb.com/2019/01/21/pi1541-pennysaver-edition/

The Pi2 fork of the Pi1541 kernel: https://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=67978&start=1935

“ALPHARAY” for the expanded C16 / Plus/4: http://www.psytronik.net/newsite/index.php/plus4/117-alpha

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