Q&A and Patreon Shoutout – Nov 2019 | Odd Pod

Q&A and a shout out to all the wonderful Patreons of the Odd Pod channel, if you want to support Odd Pod you can at www.patreon.com/oddpodshow and if you have any questions for the next Q&A just let us know who the question is for and leave the question in the comments below

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/oddpodretro
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oddpodshow/
Instagram: oddpodretro
Murrays Twitter: @murrayoddpod

Please support and help improve Odd Pod – www.patreon.com/oddpodshow


Join the Odd Pod Patreon at the link below or if you would like to send a tip if you enjoy the channel send it here: https://www.paypal.me/Oddpod

Odd Pod is a member of Retro Unlim, check out the website here: http://www.retrounlim.com/

#oddpod #patreon #puppets

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