Commodore 64 Ocean Loaders (Nostalgia Overload!!!!!!)

This a Patreon Request from Lucas Rainford.
He wants to hear the best C64 loading music… were Ocean loaders were my first thoughts

So here they are all 5 ocean loaders and a couple more great loaders from ocean all with the original first game loading screens they were featured on

This was the time when waiting for your games to load became something you looked forward to

You don’t have to become a Patreon to request videos but if you are in a position to become a Patreon please visit my Patreon page by either clicking the link at the end of this video, or the link in the description below.
I’m planning some exciting Patreon stuff in the near future such as Patreon Questions and Answers and when I do live streams which will be every Sunday 9pm

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