The 30 Best Atari 2600 Games Ever Made!!! (Nostalgia Overload)

Hey guys OSG back with another 30 best games video and this time we going way back to the beginning of true retro gaming with the Atari 2600
For the younger people watching who are thinking what the hell is this …this was the equivalent to an Xbox One back in the day…we as kids had never seen such witchcraft in our own homes and although to anyone who wasn’t around at the time these games might seem a bit naff we thought they were awesome.
So for this one..we all need put ourselves back in time and let our imaginations run wild as we go through the 30 best games of maybe the most important console of all time
Pheonix @ 00:52
Circus Atari @ 01:24
Dig Dug @ 01:58
Raiders Of The Lost Ark @ 02:31
Frostbite @ 03:05
Tapper @ 03:38
Millipede @ 04:12
California Games @ 04:46
Cosmic Ark @ 05:19
Centipede @ 05:53
Enduro @ 06:23
Seaquest @ 06:57
Defender 2 @ 07:31
Missile Command @ 08:03
Keystone Kapers @ 08:36
Demon Attack @ 09:10
Frogger @ 09:43
Bezerk @ 10:18
Solaris @ 10:51
Ms. Pac-man @ 11:24
Asteroids @ 11:58
Space Invaders @ 12:31
Warlords @ 13:05
H.E.R.O. @ 13:39
Kaboom! @ 14:13
River Raid @ 14:46
Adventure @ 15:20
Pitfall @ 15:54
Yar’s Revenge @ 16:27
Pitfall 2 @ 17:01

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