Electric Adventures, The Games – Tennis

This is the 24th video in a new series where I am going to highlight each of my classic games I wrote for both the original Spectravideo and MSX computers.
In this video we move onto the next game on Program Pack IX and another fun two player game called Tennis.
#programming #msx #tutorial

A simple two player pong clone, but at only 17 lines once again demonstrates what you can achieve with very little effort with MSX and Spectravideo Basic.

The source code is available to download and play with at my website here:

If you are interested in the Beyond Basic articles and the book mentioned in this video, you can find it on Amazon in both Kindle and printed editions here:

See general updates on both my web site:
and my Facebook page:

If you would like to contribute to my creation of new titles for 8 and 16 bit systems or contribute to my software and magazine preservation efforts, I have setup a Patron page here: https://www.patreon.com/electricadventures

I am part of the ‘Press Play On Tape’ podcast, join the mayhem here:

I also do live game plays, usually high score practices on Twitch here:

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