Tetsuya Mizuguchi – The Pursuit Of Synesthesia (Documentary)

Tetsuya Mizuguchi is one of the most interesting and influential game developers, join me as I take through his journey in creating the ultimate expression of Synesthasia!

I take a look at every game he has worked on, every company he has formed and been a part of, a take a deep dive into the inspirations behind some of his most prolific games.

This has been a huge project for me so I really hope you all enjoy it!

Let me know any other game designers or companies you’d like me to look at!




GDC 2016 talk:

REZ Classic game Postmortem

TEDxTokyo -Tetsuya Mizuguchi – Positive Power of Games – [English] – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79iXviZEWow&t=66s

Zurich street parade

G-Loc gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxLdszUJIWw

Irisan Tech demo:

EDGE Magazine

Gamespot – Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s 30-Year Journey To Create Tetris Effect

Tetsuya Mizuguchi On Bringing Rez Infinite To PC, Evolving Technology & The Future






Synesthesia Suit (2016)

Synesthesia Suit


Thanks for watching!

List of games include:
Megalopolis: Tokyo City Battle (Arcade; 1993) — Director
Sega Rally Championship (Model 2; 1995) — Produced by
Sega Rally Championship (Saturn; 1995) — Produced by
Sega Rally Championship (Saturn; 1995) — Written by
Sega Rally Championship (Windows PC; 1997) — Produced by
Sega Rally Championship (PlayStation 2; 2006) — Produced by
Manx TT Super Bike (Model 2; 1995) — Producer
Sega Touring Car Championship (Model 2; 1996) — Produced by
Sega Touring Car Championship (Saturn; 1997) — Executive Producers
Sega Touring Car Championship (Windows PC; 1998) — Executive Producers
Iri-san (Dreamcast; Tech Demo)— Producer
Sega Rally 2 (Model 3; 1998) — Produced by
Sega Rally 2 (Dreamcast; 1999) — Producer
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (Model 3; 1998) — Project Organizer
Space Channel 5 (Dreamcast; 1999) — Producer
Space Channel 5 (PlayStation 2; 2002) — Producer
D-2 (Dreamcast; 1999) — The Producer Wishs To Thanks
Shenmue (Dreamcast; 1999) — Main Scenario
Roommania 203 (Dreamcast; 2000) — 声の出演 (as 水口 哲也)
US Shenmue (Dreamcast; 2001) — Main Scenario
Rez (Dreamcast; 2001) — Producer
Rez (Xbox 360; 2008) — Producer
Space Channel 5: Part 2 (Dreamcast; 2002) — Producer
Space Channel 5: Part 2 (PlayStation 2; 2002) — Producer
Space Channel 5: Ulala’s Cosmic Attack (Game Boy Advance; 2003) — Special Thanks
Space Channel 5: Special Edition (PlayStation 2; 2003) — Producer

Sega Rally Championship Ignition (CD) (1995)
Sonic Jam (1997) — Special Thanks

Tetris Effect
18: Dream World – Designer
Every Extend Extra – Executive Producer
Gunpey – Executive Producer (PSP) | Q-Entertainment
Meteos – Producer
Sega Rally Championship
Every Extend Extra Extreme
Lumines II
Lumines Live!
Lumines: Puzzle Fusion
Meteos: Disney Magic
N3: Ninety-Nine Nights
Rez HD
Rez Infinite
Space Channel 5
Space Channel 5: Part 2

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Or buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi! http://ko-fi.com/nicktendowii

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Twitter: @nicktendowii

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Also check out my website http://www.nicktendowiiu.com for blog posts and project updates!

Camera: Sony RX100 III

#TetsuyaMizuguchi #TetrisEffect #Rez #Synesthasia

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