Electric Adventures, The Games – Death City

This is the 17th video in a new series where I am going to highlight each of my classic games I wrote for both the original Spectravideo and MSX computers.
In this video we have a game I think was inspired by a game I think I 1st played on an early games collection for either OS/2 or Windows 3.1.

It’s another game that has some simple enemy AI logic, and increasing levels of difficulty making it quite a fun game to play.

The source code is available to download and play with at my website here:

If you are interested in the Beyond Basic articles and the book mentioned in this video, you can find it on Amazon in both Kindle and printed editions here:

See general updates on both my web site:
and my Facebook page:

I am part of the ‘Press Play On Tape’ podcast, join the mayhem here:

I also do live game plays, usually high score practices on Twitch here:

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