My Thoughts On Today’s Game Industry (26-7-2017)(Ad Hoc Non Scripted Wafflage)

I am quite flabbergasted by today’s game industry and what we as gamers have to put up with. Insanity inception?

Console lifespans
Backwards compatibility
HD Impovements on HD improvements
Closed Systems vs Open systems
Nintendo and the Switch Shortages
NES Classic Mini Shortages
SNES Classic Mini Shortages
Interruption by on line shift call.

Perhaps Shortages were always there from the early days of gaming, but with our new interconnectedness through the internet being a global community it makes it difficult and actually unwise for companies to treat people from different places differently when it comes to availability of goods and services.

I got bombarded by advertisements online that don’t even have any validity in my neck of the woods, offering goods and services (often Stateside) that I don’t have access too. When I am in France, Germany or the UK ads do seem to be more properly geared towards the local market – so French ads in France and German ads in Germany. But often I get Danish or Swedish Ads and US ads on many devices connected through the internet through various means over here in the Netherlands. Companies really should get their act together. We’re turning into a more global society whether we like it or not. Regional differences exist but excluding people might not be a good idea.

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