Can’t Get Enough Of A Certain Game (Series)? A Community Question

Over the years I have had my fair share of favourite games that I just am very keen on playing again and again. Also when said game comes out on another platform. For example the old classic arcade games I love to play and sample on various platforms just to experience the differences in the games and the hardware it runs on. (Gyruss, Time Pilot, Centipede, Defender, Dig Dug, Frogger, Mr Do!, Pacman, MsPacman, Donkey Kong etc etc).

In recent years with multiplatform released games that are virtually identical it is less of a thing with me and stick to exclusives only and I only go full out multi-platform with certain games. A good example of that is Outrun2 which I have for just about any platform out there. And I will probably get Zelda Breath Of The Wild for the Switch (I own the WiiU version right now) too if I am ever able to get my hands on one.

Going for exclusives these days is the best way to go and picking the platform a game runs best on or my preferred console for the multiplats.

Today I show a couple of pickups that make a certain game series complete on the PS3 – a series that started off on the PS2 and even has two outings on the PSP. Go check it out.

Do you have similar experiences or habits?

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