#1, Kick-Scammers: Crowdfunding’s weirdest campaigns!!! – SGR
DJ Slopes
Here are 4 of the most random Crowdfunding campaigns I have managed to find!
★ SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/0cmnO6
★ GO SUB TO LARRY: https://www.youtube.com/user/LarryBundyJr
★ AND CHECK LARRY’S PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Larry
★ MY 2ND CHANNEL https://goo.gl/MDskmO
Slope’s Game Room on the interwebs…
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slopesgameroom
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlopesGameRoom
► YouTube: https://goo.gl/0cmnO6
► RetroUnlim: http://retrounlim.com
► Gamester81: http://gamester81.com
Here are the campaigns mentioned in the video…
☞ The Skarp Laser Razor: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/skarp/the-skarp-laser-razor-21st-century-shaving
☞ CyberMatrix 100: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/973736766/the-cybermatrix-100-tu01
☞ Dark Skyes: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2110528317/dark-skyes-an-epic-brony-dating-sim/?ref=kicktraq
☞ Breeding Season: https://www.patreon.com/user/creators?u=108351
Slope’s Game Room’s The Complete History Series…
♥ Streets of Rage: https://goo.gl/dQ5aHK
♥ Golden Axe: https://goo.gl/8K4EHc
♥ Shenmue: https://goo.gl/bJ8qxj
♥ Skweek: https://goo.gl/ZmKHBE
♥ Earthworm Jim: https://goo.gl/cEvP3E
♥ Alex Kidd: https://goo.gl/Z2EGSE
♥ Chu Chu Rocket: https://goo.gl/vz7fMj
♥ Monkey Ball: https://goo.gl/8hRkpY
♥ Ghouls & Ghosts: https://goo.gl/PW8TQP
♥ Pitfall!: https://goo.gl/P3MNAI
Slope’s Game Room’s random history of Video Games…
Cinematic Platformers: https://goo.gl/7cWX0A
The 1st ever survival horror: https://goo.gl/KQqNwX
The SEGA ninja princess: https://goo.gl/gBzg4e
The Story of Bobo: https://goo.gl/GW77Xq
Zombies ate my Neighbors was a trilogy???: https://goo.gl/rWDX8T
The 1st ever Batman Game: https://goo.gl/vuj3eU
Sega’s 1st ever Mascot you never knew: https://goo.gl/CWzAzY
McDonald’s Video Games: https://goo.gl/D6PPIV
Nintendo World Champ cart sold for $50: https://goo.gl/CNXsFt
Nintendo’s 1st ever Mascot you never knew: https://goo.gl/BQWsuH
Popeye Video Games: https://goo.gl/3FT8Dq
Roland the forgotten mascot: https://goo.gl/c8N8Tn
Johnny Turbo: The worst mascot ever: https://goo.gl/RDKKRX
Ecco the Dolphin’s Messed up Inspiration: http://goo.gl/hdE4UJ
Slope’s Game Room’s Top 10s…
✘ https://goo.gl/a5YWwU ✘
Slope’s Game Room reviews every Disney movie and Video Game…
✦ https://goo.gl/4TXyZP ✦
Slope’s Unboxings…
☞ https://goo.gl/VWv6eS ☜
Fact’s about video games…
△ https://goo.gl/tXooBv △
Does anybody actually read this stuff?
#KickScammers #FailedKickStarters