Quitting Youtube? Have You Ever Considered Quitting YouTube? A VR

YouTube, why do we do it? How often did we come close to quitting it all together? What are our expectations?

For me it’s the community and sharing the hobby and enjoying making content. YouTube used to be smaller and you’d get noticed a lot quicker back in the day. These days it is very hard to get noticed as TV-like channels with TV-show like programming seem to get a bigger exposure. There’s nothing wrong with those channels by the way!

I did have to stop. I had to scrap my original channel which reached 2,000 subs, using my real name. Had to delete a ton of gaming related videos and basically kept travel videos. I restarted my gaming channel as LactobacillusPrime and after in total 10 years (I’ve been on here for 10 years including the old channel) so it took 5 years to get to 2000 subs and now 5 to 6 years to get to 2000 subs again. I don’t produce TV-like shows on my channel but a plethora of videos that I mostly make for myself and friends.

Don’t worry I am here to stay! But I came close to quitting a couple of times. This video is about my personal experiences, expectations and insights as a response to TrexSpaceStation’s video:

as well as GAMEZOMATIC’s original video:

Check out both channels. They’ve excellent content and are entertaining. Please subscribe to them.

– Mark

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