Have There Been Too Many Iterations Of The Same Console This Generation? – A VR

Dave Wade aka Lawnboyspost1975 has done it again, an excellent question and discussion topic on hardware iterations in the current generation of consoles.

It seems hardware iterations have always been there with us, ever since the Pong machines and the Atari 2600, back then those hardware iterations were often cost cutting measures, bug fixing measures without the hardware getting a bump in performance or abilities. That changed with the current gen main consoles.

This video is a rather lengthy tangent like wafflage on the topic, eventually I will manage to come to some sort of coherent conclusion. Main ingredients are backwards / forwards compatibility and treating it as a continuous platform with 100% software compatibility is a prudent thing to do. You do run the risk of confusing customers and or consumers turning away. I think the current gen may have been released too early with the current gen updates being a result of that.

Here’s a link to Dave’s Original video:




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