What will the Samsung Galaxy S8+ Emulate? (Exynos EU Build)

The Samsung Galaxy S8+ is a brand new mobile phone powerhouse, but how well does it handle emulation?

We test a number of consoles to see what kind of performance this new, huge phone puts up.

Note: This is a European S8+, which is probably packing an Exynos CPU (I say probably, because this is not my field of excellence!) – I suspect the differences will be noticeable, however, Dolphin devs have stated that their emulator struggles at best on S8 units.

● GPD XD 32gb Handheld Emulation Device Review: https://youtu.be/hgfBk4aZew8
● How to hack your Nintendo Classic Mini: https://youtu.be/4n0W8DJYg3w

● Mods & Tutorials Playlist: https://goo.gl/8ARg2c:

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