Zelda – Breath Of The Wild (WiiU) – My Opinion A Couple Of Days In (SPOILER FREE)

Zelda – Breath of The Willd (WiiU)

A couple of days in I can say I love it! The experience is pretty much identical to the Switch. You can play it with the WiiU tablet – on the WiiU tablet screen or even with one of the WiiU Pro controllers. The graphics on the Switch being 900p on the TV are slightly more crisp than the 720p of the WiiU but for the rest the experience is identical. Much like the Twilight Princess on the Gamecube and Wii were identical (apart from the mirror image world on the Gamecube version). Digital Foundry and other websites have been doing frame/frame comparisons the game on both consoles and found very little differences.

Quite amazing how two quite different architectures like the ARM based Switch and the PowerPC based WiiU can produce such a similar / if not identical experience. An amazing Swan song for the WiiU and an amazing launch game for the Switch. Good times to be a gamer – it’s quite the multi layered experience that the Zelda game provides. The level of freedom and all the side quests makes this an amazing game. Both me and Elise (wife) have been playing our own games and it is cool to see how we differ in how we go about things. One of the better games out there!

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