My Thoughts On The Nintendo Switch (January 16th 2017)

I have been enthusiastic for just about every Nintendo system out there and have always owned and bought games for the NIntendo systems, the only system lacking in my ‘collection’ is the Virtual Boy and probably for the next couple of months – the Switch.

So I will not get at it release, there’s bound to be a shortage anyways. I have pre-ordered the Zelda game on the WiiU so I am all good. A nice Swansong for the WiiU the new Zelda game.
I already have Mario Kart 8, I don’t need a Switch for that. Splatoon I liked and played for a bit but didn’t play a lot so version 2 is not something I am looking forward to.

The 3-6 hour battery life when in portable mode – 3 hours when playing 3D titles – is not something I look forward to. I am happy with the 3DS as a portable but as I am getting a bit longer in the tooth my eyes don’t fancy the portable screens up close for hours on end, they are more comfortable looking at a bigger screen in the distance.

And don’t get me started on the download a virtual console game and play it free for a month and pay extra to be able to play it after a month on the pay to pay online gaming service. Compared to what PSN and XBoxOne are offering that’s just…. I am lost for words.


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